About Us

Nerdnurse is a limited liability company owned and operated by Carole Eldridge, DNP, RN, CNE, NEA-BC.

Nerdnurse, LLC was formerly known as CareTrack Resources, Inc. Dr. Eldridge has written and provided in-service training for workers in elder care since 1999.

Dr. Carole Eldridge currently serves as the president of Nerdnurse. Previously, she was chief nursing officer for Synergis Education, and prior to that was vice president at Chamberlain University, leading the online degree and certificate programs in nursing and other health professions from 2012-2019. Before that Dr. Eldridge provided leadership to several campus-based baccalaureate nursing programs, including serving as president of the Chamberlain College of Nursing Houston campus, dean of nursing at West Coast University’s Dallas campus, and dean and campus director for St. John’s College of Nursing and Health Sciences in Springfield, Missouri. In 2007 Dr. Eldridge led the online executive nursing leadership program at the University of Texas Medical Branch, and before that she served as a nursing professor in traditional and online BSN and RN-BSN programs at Texas A&M University in Stephenville, Texas, and Southwest Baptist University in Missouri.

Before beginning her academic career, Dr. Eldridge was CEO of Pacesetter Home Care Group and senior vice president for quality and resident services of Assisted Living Concepts. She has several years of experience leading healthcare consulting and management firms, where she managed clinical staff education programs, developed continuing education materials, and performed quality management audits. Dr. Eldridge's clinical experience includes 10 years as a critical care nurse, 10 years in primary care, home health care, and hospice, and a year operating a clinic in Lusaka, Zambia. She has authored three editions of a book on fall prevention for the elderly, two books on home health and hospice care, and four editions of a textbook chapter for Doctor of Nursing Practice programs, along with other book chapters and professional journal articles. She has presented her work at national and international conferences.


Dr. Eldridge earned a diploma in nursing from Burge School of Nursing and a BSN degree from Evangel College. She earned a Master of Science in Nursing degree in nursing administration from the University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing and a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in nursing leadership and healthcare business from Rush University College of Nursing. She is board certified as an advanced nurse executive and nurse educator. Her Twitter handle is @nerdnurse.


Dr. Eldridge provides consulting services to schools of nursing in the areas of accreditation and regulatory compliance. She is a site reviewer for the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. Contact her at carole@nerdnurse.com for more information.


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